Areas of Expertise: Private international law, corporate law, banking law, capital market law
Arbitration Experience: He has participated as a lawyer in many arbitrations.
Languages: Greek, English, German, French
Education: Law Degree, University of Athens; LL.M, University of Münster (1991) and Yale (1994); Ph.D, University of Münster (1993).
Main Publications (en, de):
- Die europarechtskonforme Auslegung (Münster 1994)
- National report for Greece in the XXth fide Congress of 2002 on II. Financial Services in the Era of the Euro and E-Commerce: Does Home Country Control Work?
- The Greek Sovereign Debt Restructuring in Sovereign Debt and Debt Restructuring, Eugenio A Bruno (ed), 2013
- Applicable law on companies and other legal entities – The current state of play in Greek private international law.
Teaching: As a scientific associate of the Department of International Law of the Faculty of Law (University of Athens), A. Metallinos participates in the teaching of the Law of International Transactions, Private International Law and International Arbitration.