Areas of Expertise: international arbitration, esp. investment arbitration and public international law
Arbitration experience: Vast experience in international arbitration as counsel, Chair, arbitrator or co-arbitrator in numerous arbitrations under the rules of the most prominent arbitral institutions, handling cases in the telecommunications sector, industrial sectors and real estate (expropriation), food-processing industry, health insurance industry, energy sector (liberalization, construction of an electric plant, joint ventures, construction of a pipeline, iron mines), broadcasting industry, banking sector, commercial contracts, intellectual property, BITs, affordable luxury sector.
Languages: French, English
Education: LL.M., Institute of Comparative Law, McGill University (Canada, 2002-2003); DEA, Law of European and International Economic Relations, University of Paris X (Nanterre, 2001-2002); Maîtrise (degree), European and International Law, and Legal Studies in English (D.E.J.A. II), University of Paris X (Nanterre, 2000-2001).
Published articles and books (indicative list): Enforcement of Investment Treaty Arbitration Awards: A Global Guide (2015); “Le chapitre X de l’accord économique et commercial global Canada-Union Européenne: Une solution équilibrée au débat sur le recours à l’arbitrage dans le règlement des différends entre investisseurs et Etats?” in Mélanges Pierre Mayer (2015) ; “Enforcement of the Yukos awards: a second Noga saga or a new Sedelmayer fight?”, ICSID Review -FILJ Vol. 30.2 (2015); “The Malicorp Saga: A Spaghetti Bowl of Proceedings”, 4.2 International Journal of Arab Arbitration 7(2012) ; Recueil des Commentaires des Décisions du CIRDI (2002-2007), Editions E. Bruylant, 2009
Professional Career: Julien Fouret is based in Paris, France, and is a Partner at betto seraglini, having previously collaborated with Castaldi Mourre & Partners, Derains & Gharavi, Salans, Shearman & Sterling. He is also a former Counsel of the Secretariat of the International Court of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce.
Since 2012, he is a Lecturer at the Faculty of Law and Social Sciences of the University of Paris II (Panthéon-Assas), and he has previously taught at University of Paris XII and Sherbrooke (Québec).
He is currently Co-Editor in Chief of the ICC Dispute Resolution Bulletin and an officer of the Arbitration Committee of the IBA as well as a member notably of the following entities: International Arbitration Commission of the ICC, Arbitration Commission of ICC France, Comité Français de l’Arbitrage, Panel of arbitrators of the Kuala Lumpur Regional Center for Arbitration (KLRCA) or Panel of arbitrators of the Chambre Arbitrale Internationale de Paris (CAIP).