Areas of Expertise: trademarks, intellectual property, technology, art & culture law
Arbitration and Mediation Experience: She is included in the List of Mediators and Conciliators of UNESCO and in the Lists of Arbitrators and Mediators of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and ICOM – WIPO Mediators. She has conducted negotiations with great success concerning the return to Greece of cultural treasures from museums and collectors abroad (on behalf of the Greek Ministry of Culture) and mediated in several cases concerning copyright matters between rightholders and users of works (for the Hellenic Copyright Organisation).
Languages: Greek, English, French
Education: law degree, University of Athens; LL.M and Ph.D, University of Leicester (UK)
Professional Career: Irini Stamatoudi is a lawyer and has served as the Director of the Hellenic Copyright Organization, which belongs to the Hellenic Ministry of Culture and Sports. She worked as a lecturer at the University of Leicester until 2001 when she returned to Greece. She teaches on various academic courses in Greece and abroad. She also teaches on the distance learning courses of the WIPO Academy. She has authored and edited twelve books in the areas of copyright and cultural heritage law published in Greece, the UK and the US. The publishers include Cambridge University Press, Sweet & Maxwell, Edward Elgar Publishing, Kluwer Law International, and the Greek publishers Nomiki Vivliothiki and Sakkoulas. She has also widely published in well-known law journals such as the Intellectual Property Quarterly, the European Intellectual Property Review, the European Law Review, the Revue Hellénique de Droit International, the IIC, the Journal of World Intellectual Property, Art, Law and Antiquity and so on. She was appointed President in the EU Council IP (Copyright) Working Group during the Hellenic Presidency in the EU (first semester 2014).